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With age, not only do we lose our facial subcutaneous fatty tissue (the only fat we would like to keep: that in the cheekbones !), but the skin surface also seems to stretch out resulting in saggy excess.
That is caused by a loss of our elastic fibres, and our collagen. It is a little like a slackened rubber band.


 How to repair that ?
Well, it is interesting to reshape cheekbones, and fill out wrinkles with Hyaluronic Acid injections, or relax forehead muscles with Botox injections.
It is also interesting to bring nutritional supplements to our skin and subcutaneous tissues for proper functioning: DHEA, Pregnegnolone, Melatonin, Selenium, Omega-3s.
But the point at stake is for the nutritive elements to reach their targets in the epidermis (outer thinner part) and in the dermis (inner layer: ground substance, framework) thanks to improvement of skin micro-circulation.
It is also essential to detox the skin and remove the waste products of cellular metabolism which clog up our skin cells thanks to lymphatic drainage and improved venous return !

 What is Liftmassage?
That is how the magic begins …
in removing this fold of skin that appears at the naso-labial lines, in repulping the skin where it needs (lips), in oxygenating it and making it lively and toned up ! In short, as it were a few years younger !

Its functioning;
Liftmassage activates the production of collagen through mechanotransduction. (The Revuz Study of Dermatology, Mondor hospital, Créteil, France, proves that the mechanical stimulation of LPG's lift treatment heads actually modifies the extra-cellular matrix of fibroblasts.)
By the regular flapping motions of its heads, the care modules gently exercise the delicate tissues in
the face, neck and décolleté to restart cellular regeneration.
This stimulation leads to a chain reaction: it activates fibroblasts which produce collagen and
elastin, responsible for the skin's tone and suppleness.
Indeed, with age, fibroblasts become lazy and need a boost to be effective anew !
In fact, Liftmassage put them back to work !
The micromotions of subdermal tissue massage delivered by the different treatment heads of 2
mechanical rollers wake fibroblasts up and regenerate their number and the size of their cores,
which restarts and increases the production of collagen and elastin.

The results.
The results are unparalleled: the skin redensifies, it is replumped, uplifted, and firmer. Wrinkles are
smoothed out as if ironed ! The first effects are noticed on complexion which is glowing. All traces
of fatigue vanish, in particular around the eyes where dark circles are reduced and fine wrinkles
erased. You look radiant as soon as after the first session, but most visibly after the second one: the
face looks dramatically younger !
Eventually, over the sessions, we can clearly see the skin texture improves, gets thinner and
smoother, lines and wrinkles diminish, the line of the face is redefined.
For an optimal result, each session includes 3 stages to drain, stimulate and firm the skin.
Neck, décolleté, and face (eyelids and eye bags) are treated with the specific care module heads.
No pain or side effects come out of micro-massage but a real sensation of relaxation !

Frequency of care.
Frequency of care is usually 2 sessions a week for 3 to 8 weeks, then one session a week for 3 to 4
weeks, then one session a month later, and a maintenance treatment with one session every 2

See LPG website : Liftmassage technic

Vidéo of LPG Liftmassage (en premier la vidéo en anglais puis à 4 min 29 la vidéo en français )

LPG Liftmassage