French English


Ageing is a disorder of the wonderful machinery of the body.
Classic anti-ageing treatments can give the body all the substances it does not produce in enough quantity
or at all: DHEA, Pregnenolone, Melatonin, etc..
But the body sometimes cannot manage to heal, although it is provided with all the necessary components.
Energetic Medicines are here to help.
Among them we find acupuncture of course, but also light treatments.
One of these treatments is Chromatopuncture.
Acupuncture treatments consist of picking an acupuncture point with a needle. The « traumatic » point strike
causes a reaction in the body.
Chromatopuncture treatments consist of beaming a light of an appropriate wavelength onto an acupuncture
point. By beaming light onto the acupuncture point, it is stimulated and will send information to the body.
The main indications are: depression in reaction to emotional shock, pain due to trauma or due to
osteoarthritis, insomnia, hiatal hernia, colitis, headaches, constipation, etc..
Getting back to balance leads to the disappearance of symptoms, and gives life a better quality.
Combined with conventional anti-ageing treatments, it helps you enjoy life to the full, without fear or pain.
At the beginning of life, we feel the body we each drive is like a race car. But gradually, it becomes a saloon
car, which finally turns out into a crate ! It is therefore necessary to make the necessary adjustments and
add the missing elements to maintain our own race car!